Looking for techie to fix serious bug!

Joe Heitzeberg
April 13, 2011

I’ve been nominated for “Best Startup Technologist” in the Seattle 2.0 Awards for the 3rd year in a row…. This proves that there is a very serious bug in the nomination software which has remained unfixed for three years. If you know any good tech people, please refer them to the kind folks of Seattle 2.0 so that they can fix this bug ASAP. Thank you.

But on a more serious note, thanks for your support. It is pretty cool to be on the ballot with some people I truly admire and respect.

uploads/joeh/1658172055/DALL·E 2022-07-18 12.21.27 - “Mindfulness Monkey”, a plasticine clay sculpture by world-renowned artist, studio photography, warm lighting.png

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