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Exploring the Cutting Edge: Key Trends in the LLM and Generative AI Developer Community

July 27, 2023 3 minutes 2 photos

The LLM and generative AI community is innovating by democratizing access, automating workflows, customizing experiences, and integrating multimodal capabilities. Developers are tackling ethical challenges while addressing data engineering, infrastructure, prompt engineering, and interface design, pushing the boundaries of AI technology and its applications.

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Architecture Maestro from Now On

March 22, 2023 3 minutes

With GPT-4, I’ve transitioned to an “architecture maestro,” overseeing code structure while AI handles the coding. It efficiently improved my Ruby scripts for managing family photos, optimized performance, and integrated features like progress bars, saving me a day’s work with minimal errors.

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About Calorie Coach

January 01, 2023 2 minutes 2 photos

Calorie Coach is an AI-powered calorie tracking app accessible via SMS at 325-225-6743. Simply text descriptions of your food, and the AI handles the rest. It’s free, offers reminders, and helps you track your progress towards your weight loss goals. Available in select countries.

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Launching DREAM.page

November 10, 2022 1 minute

I’m excited to announce the launch of DREAM.page, an AI-first personal publishing platform! Check out the video walk-through and sign up on the wait list to try it out. I can’t wait to see how you use it!

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AI assisted blog images

October 23, 2022 1 minute 4 photos

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has withdrawn from the race to become Britain's next leader, despite having enough support from lawmakers to advance. He trails significantly behind front-runner Rishi Sunak as the leadership contest intensifies.

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My first deep learning model: Doo Doo Detective

September 26, 2022 3 minutes 2 photos

I created my first deep learning model, the Doo Doo Detective, to detect when my dog Kona is doing her business. Using Fast AI and Gradio, I fine-tuned a ResNet-18 model on images and deployed it on Hugging Face. Total time: under 2 hours!

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Developing a coding habit in a 12 year old

September 16, 2022 2 minutes 2 photos

After a failed coding session with Aaron, we shifted our approach to keep it simple and fun. We're now focusing on short, self-contained coding problems using Replit, committing to daily practice, and exploring concepts through engaging challenges, like coding a coin flipper function and analyzing its performance.

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Stable Diffusion Test

September 08, 2022 1 minute 4 photos

Want to add photos to your blog? Just select a description and click “stable diffusion” to automatically add a magic tag that handles everything for you, like this: <stable-diffusion> photo of a cute puppy jumping through a muddy pond, nikon d50, 100mm, bokeh </stable-diffusion>. Enjoy!

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Zoom meeting backgrounds (DALL·E 2)

August 01, 2022 1 minute 67 photos

Add personality to your next Zoom meeting with unique AI-generated backgrounds from DALL.E 2! Explore a diverse range of options to find the perfect backdrop that will make your meeting stand out.

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Let's test some photo frame renders!

July 17, 2022 3 minutes 15 photos

I'm developing a blogging software that simplifies handwritten posts and photo framing with easy markup. Users can effortlessly transform text and images into beautiful formats, like “Wood Frame” and “Gallery Frame,” without needing technical knowledge. Plus, I’m exploring adding Disqus comments to my Octopress blog.

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More DALL·E 2 Generations

July 05, 2022 3 minutes 36 photos

DALL.E 2 generated various creative images, including a lifelike Bald Eagle in disco attire, courtroom sketches of a sad clown, and whimsical scenes like a flying saucer in Portland. Other highlights include pixel art of friends gaming and a surreal photo of a jetski Superman chased by police in Venice.

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DALL·E 2 Generations in the style of Banksy

July 05, 2022 3 minutes 8 photos

Ed tested DALL.E 2 with Banksy-inspired prompts, yielding mixed results. While some images captured the essence of consumerism and environmental themes, others faced content policy issues. Notably, a McDonald's logo reimagined with a skeleton Ronald McDonald stood out, but overall, the outputs felt directionally correct yet lacking depth.

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My first experiments with DALL·E

July 02, 2022 4 minutes 67 photos

I just started experimenting with DALL.E 2 and generated some fun images, including Egyptian mummies enjoying pizza in Italy, a punk rock velociraptor yearbook photo, and a giant banana Statue of David. The creativity is endless, and I’m excited to explore more!

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Open AI / GPT-3 Presentation

February 24, 2022 22 minutes

Deep learning, particularly through models like GPT-3 with 175 billion parameters, revolutionizes text generation, translation, and more, offering powerful applications across industries. Despite its capabilities, prompt design is crucial for quality output, and costs can accumulate rapidly, highlighting the balance between innovation and practicality in AI deployment.

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June 07, 2020 3 minutes 11 photos

Explore my recent projects, including AI Tinkerers, DREAM.page for personal publishing, ReVision for image generation, and AI Long Doc Summarizer for content insights. Check out Sloppy Joe for realistic handwriting, Commander for web automation, and various AI tools for fitness, language learning, and home automation.

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“Please help me understand the value of working with a VC”

April 06, 2015 3 minutes

Working with a good VC provides crucial support through funding, credibility, and valuable insights from extensive data. They help recruit talent, connect with customers, and navigate challenges, often making the difference between survival and failure. Choose wisely by assessing their past successes and involvement in key decisions.

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What are you passionate about in a company?

February 27, 2013 3 minutes 3 photos

I'm passionate about being on a purposeful mission, working with inspiring people, creating elegant customer experiences, breaking new ground, and having a solid business model. These ideals drive fulfillment and success in a startup, transcending mere metrics and fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.

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Seattle Half Marathon Recap

November 25, 2012 1 minute 4 photos

Running through Seattle's foggy downtown felt like a zombie apocalypse, especially in the I-90 tunnel. Aid stations were plentiful, and the hills at Madison and Interlaken were manageable. Enjoyed live bands, beautiful views, and even Krispy Kreme at the finish line. Plus, Will and Sarah had their baby!

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How to Print Your Own Children’s Books (that won’t be eaten or torn apart)

January 04, 2012 3 minutes

Create personalized children's board books using your own photos with services like My Custom Story, Pintsize Productions, and Treasured Ink. These sturdy books withstand toddler wear and tear, making them perfect keepsakes for story time. Prices range from $27.95 to $39.95, depending on size and design.

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How to Use Google Docs to Get Continuous User Feedback

July 26, 2011 3 minutes

Set up continuous user feedback in under 5 minutes using Google Docs Forms. Create a survey, adjust settings for public access, and link it to a spreadsheet. Use a provided script to receive real-time email notifications of responses, helping you visualize trends and improve user experience. Enjoy!

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