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Didn’t Get Into TechStars? Don’t Sweat It

July 22, 2011 3 minutes

Didn't get into TechStars? No worries! Get a job at Google, work diligently, and use your income to develop your startup. Validate your concept enough to attract seed funding, and don’t let setbacks hinder your entrepreneurial journey. Keep your work and startup separate, and stay focused!

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7 Ways to Raise Money Without Giving Up Equity

May 08, 2011 5 minutes

Explore funding options without giving up equity, such as Startup Chile's $40,000 grants, crowdfunding on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, community-based Profounder, US government grants like DIV and SBIR, or RevenueLoan's flexible repayment based on revenue for businesses with solid growth.

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Looking for techie to fix serious bug!

April 13, 2011 1 minute

Nominated for “Best Startup Technologist” in the Seattle 2.0 Awards for the 3rd year—clearly a bug in the nomination software! If you know any tech whizzes, please refer them to Seattle 2.0 to fix this ASAP. Thanks for your support; it’s an honor to be on this ballot!

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How to recruit top engineers to your startup

January 20, 2011 4 minutes

To recruit top engineers, focus on building relationships through dev events, personal networking, and targeted college outreach. Engage passive candidates with meaningful interactions and convert successful contractors into full-time hires. Prioritize long-term efforts over quick fixes, as great talent can significantly boost productivity.

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Favorite tools for late night startup hackers

January 16, 2011 3 minutes 10 photos

For late-night startup hackers, essential collaboration tools include oLark for customer feedback, Join.me for hassle-free screencasts, Propane for Campfire chat, FaceTime for personal discussions, ScreenFlow for screencasts, Thinkfuse for status reporting, CloudApp for quick screenshot sharing, and GitHub for code collaboration and feedback.

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A Simple New Year’s Resolution: Wake Up!

December 31, 2010 4 minutes

For my 2011 New Year's Resolution, I aim to wake up by 7am or at sunrise daily, embracing the benefits of early mornings: enhanced productivity, quality family time, and the joy of witnessing sunrises. I invite you to share your resolutions and wish you a fulfilling New Year!

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Add logs, pour fuel (VC money), light match (beta release day)

July 07, 2010 3 minutes

Fundraising should focus on the business's core value and traction rather than personal financial needs. Like building a campfire, gather kindling and validate your concept before adding fuel; this ensures sustainable growth rather than a fleeting blaze fueled solely by money.

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LeadsCon: a crash course in “show me the money!!”

June 23, 2010 2 minutes

Join LeadsCon in NYC on July 26-27, 2010, for a unique crash course on turning online traffic into cash. Learn from industry experts and network with successful entrepreneurs. Don’t miss the $250 discount expiring June 25th! More info: http://bit.ly/buoU7w. See you there!

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New York Times 50 Most Challenging Words (defined and used)

June 15, 2010 7 minutes 2 photos

The New York Times recently unveiled a list of 50 challenging words, complete with definitions and usage examples, highlighting terms like "inchoate," "profligacy," and "sui generis." This resource aims to enhance vocabulary and avoid jejune speech, encouraging readers to engage with the richness of language.

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Unexpected Startup Lesson #3: Why You Can’t Read a VC

June 10, 2010 3 minutes

Raising venture capital often feels like a one-way street, leaving entrepreneurs unable to gauge investor interest or receive constructive feedback. VCs, inundated with pitches, avoid direct responses to preserve options, making it challenging to read their reactions and understand their true sentiments.

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Unexpected Startup Lesson #2: Channel your Inner VC to Understand Startup Valuations

May 27, 2010 4 minutes

Valuation in early-stage fundraising should be viewed as an output, not a starting point; focus on future value and total amount raised instead. Factors like team, market, and execution matter more than current valuation, and understanding deal terms is crucial for successful negotiations.

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Unexpected Startup Lesson #1: Quitting the day job

May 09, 2010 3 minutes

Quitting my day job to start Snapvine felt risky, but within months, I gained invaluable networking and learning opportunities that surpassed my MBA experience. The support from incredible people made it clear: taking the leap was a zero-risk move that positioned me better for the future.

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If you want to ship, cut, cut, cut!

April 17, 2010 2 minutes

Get better updates on work items and track progress. Clear the air with a call. Eliminate non-essential features and focus on a minimally viable release. Prioritize critical bugs and don't worry about look and feel—ship now and fix later. Cut, cut, cut!

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3 Things I’ve Learned To Recruit Great Hackers

April 09, 2010 1 minute

To recruit great hackers, consider “try before you buy” by hiring contractors, network through “lots of coffees” to build relationships, and “hyper focus on one school” for deeper engagement rather than spreading thin across multiple institutions. Quality connections lead to great hires.

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How much traffic do you get from being on the front page of Hacker News?

March 20, 2010 2 minutes

My Hacker News post “Sell Ice Cream, Not Cream and Ice” got 2,530 visits in three days, with 1,542 from HN. My average traffic jumped from 15 to 30 visits/day, and I gained 30 Twitter followers. Unexpectedly, I also received traffic from Craigslist.

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Sell Ice Cream, Not Cream and Ice

March 12, 2010 2 minutes

In the startup world, focus on building a business model rather than just technology or product. Successful entrepreneurs generate millions by acquiring traffic, filtering leads, and selling them to businesses that value convenience, much like kids paying for ready-to-eat ice cream instead of buying ingredients.

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Avoid This Startup Mistake: Losing Customer Focus

February 20, 2010 2 minutes

To maintain customer focus during overwhelming success, we printed new user photo thumbnails and lined our walls with them, sparking curiosity about our users. This simple technique fostered a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences, ultimately enhancing our product development.

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Crucial first hire: the "do-it-all office admin"

December 16, 2009 4 minutes

Hiring a “Do-It-All Office Admin” is crucial for early-stage startups to tackle distractions and allow the team to focus on core goals. Look for self-driven, smart, and trustworthy candidates eager to gain experience. Responsibilities include office management, recruiting, and supporting the CEO, making it a unique opportunity for growth.

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The positive follow-up to complaints, failures and ideas.

November 09, 2009 1 minute

Complaints, failures, and ideas can be transformed into valuable opportunities when paired with solutions, honest learning, and follow-through. Encourage others to see the potential for positive outcomes, turning negatives into foundations for innovation and success.

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FiReGlobal West Notes

October 20, 2009 3 minutes

At FiReGlobal West, discussions highlighted the need for education reform towards individualized learning, innovative tech like energy-efficient building materials and remote healthcare robots, oceanic threats requiring carbon pricing, and trends in IT towards mobile, simplified, and virtualized infrastructures, emphasizing the mantra: “Standardize / Simplify / Automate.”

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